This a my little corner of the internet where I, TuesDog, write about all the things that interest me or things that I feel the need to write about. Hope you enjoy your visit! Come back any time 👋😎


  • Lists... and how to use them

    “Just write a list!” or “why not make a list?”. How many times have I heard that advice? It always comes from a good place, and it does generally help a bit to make lists for things that need to get done, but noone ever explains how to write a list in a way that can help someone with ADHD.

  • Catching Up.

    It’s been a while since my last full post. A lot has happened since then!

  • I'm Back!

    I am back in action on the site! I have a new setup that allows me to build blog posts alongside my normal daily notetaking. Hopefully this will mean more regular blog posts from me and maybe expanding the site a little more!

  • Quick Book Breakdown

    I’ve crushed so many books since my last post, and then going on parental leave, that it is probably easier to make a short list with a quick blurb about each one. I’m trying to keep it short and snappy!

  • Big Update!

    It’s been a little while since my last post! Things have switched into high gear in anticipation of the new baby! It could be any day now that we meet the little one, and we need to make sure that everything is ready and we have done all the things we need and/or want to.

  • A quick update...

    Just a quick update to remind myself that this website exists and I am overwhelmed with things that I want to write about on here. There has been just so much going on recently, and I haven’t had the time to write about it on here! Not a bad problem to have to be honest, but I really want to keep track of it all if I can! 😁

  • Dev Log #1 - Getting Started...

    Creating a snake clone for the Clone Jam entry has begun! I have made snake clones before in a few different languages and environments. It’s a great project for getting to know a language or framework! I originally created a snake clone with some extra mechanics in Lua LOVE. I thought it would be a nice next step from developing games with PICO-8. I would have created the game with PICO-8 if I had been working alone, but my friend is an artist by trade and I want them to be able to use the tools they are most familiar with to create the artwork within the deadline.

  • So many projects!

    While I have been on vacation I managed to get a bunch of things done around the house in preparation for the new baby. Somehow, I have also come up with a long list of personal projects too… The list so far is:

  • Rambling update...

    It feels like it’s been ages since I last posted on here. Things have been busy and my brain has no concept of time… I’ve had a couple beers and now it’s time to let loose on my keyboard and catch up with all the things that have been going on. Strap yourselves in!

  • ADHD Corner

    I have been looking into ADHD and different ways that it affects my life. I have also been looking into what strategies work for me to stay organized and focused on tasks I want and need to do. The things that I have discovered and learned about ADHD I would like to keep in one place for easy reference in future, seeing as I have had strategies and coping mechanisms that worked in the past but fell out of my routine and have been forgotten about… It would be handy for me to have a place to store this information, and who knows! It might even help other people!

  • The "Art Fridge" is LIVE!

    A little project I had bouncing around in my brain has been finished! We have a ton of art from my son and I that is starting to overwhelm the fridge. So I thought, “why not build a website to host it all?”. Better yet, I came up with the idea of making the website into an infinite fridge door that can be added to over time. Check out the results here!

  • Space Chase!

    I love PICO-8! It has been a huge help for me as an educational tool while learning to program and continues to inspire creativity in me when I see how people are pushing the virtual console to the limits! I also love retro video games. Things like the Atari 2600 games, Sega Megadrive, NES and SNES, Gameboy, oldschool PC games on early Windows machines, etc… PICO-8 scratches that itch perfectly! No need for owning oldschool hardware (although that would be sick!) and no need for writing games in oldschool languages like BASIC, or more terrifying, Machine Code! 😨

  • We have no water...

    What a thing to realize at 1:30am on a Saturday morning. We have no water… Flushed the loo and went to wash my hands. Upon turning the tap all I got was a hiss of air and some spluttering. Now my hands feel gross (it’s a mental thing as they are clean to look at, but I just peed y’know?) and I can’t brush my teeth before bed.

  • Battery Daddy!

    Today I received a Battery Daddy battery organizer! I know we have a ton of batteries around the house and I haaaate spending ages trying to find them when I need some for a remote or a kids toy. Now they are organized in a little carry case all in one place in the house where I can grab what I need in seconds! What a victory! I’m taking hold of my life a little more! It even includes a battery tester. You bet your sweet double A’s I went around testing every lone battery I found in a drawer or behind a cabinet!

  • Quick Mind Dump...

    So there are a number of things that I have been thinking about recently and I need to get them down on paper/webpage quickly so I can remember them and ruminate further. This is probably going to be a sporadic list that darts all over the place, but that’s how I think a lot of the time so enjoy the madness!

  • The Fence is Complete!

    Yes, you read that correctly! The chain link fence project is complete! My hands feel like 2 leather gloves, and my body feels stiff as a board, but the fence is complete and the dogs love it! They can go out whenever they want. The neighbors won’t get harassed as much, and my wife and I can easily let the pups out to do their business while taking care of baby number 2!

  • Sunset Website Project

    For a while now I have had this idea for a project where a picture of the sunset is taken each day and uploaded to a website for people to view. I want it to be automated for the most part, and solar powered so that it can run outside under it’s own power. The problem is, I don’t know anything about powering things using solar panels and batteries… Until now!

  • Chain Link Fence project is kicking off!

    Managed to start the chain link fence project today! The plan is to build a chain link fence behind the house so we can let the dogs out by themselves and not have to worry about them harassing the neighbors or chasing things into the fields next door and getting themselves lost. It should make things a lot easier with the new baby on the way.

  • Site Makeover!

    The other night I was laying in bed and all of a sudden an idea hit me! I switched on the lamp, grabbed my notebook and started frantically scratching out my idea on paper. I knew how I wanted to style this site!

  • I might be a little stressed...

    So we are having another baby in a few short months. A little girl this time! I don’t feel like I have had much time to process this fact because things have been so busy with looking after my son, the 2 puppies, the house, and my poor wife who is being made to suffer by our incoming bundle of joy…

  • Now, now, now! Starting my Now page.

    UPDATE: Check out my NOW page here… (or click the “NOW” button in the site header).

  • I love my dogs

    Today has been a long one. A good day, don’t get me wrong! But looong. I am knackered. It was great to see my parents and have them hang out with my boy, their grandson! It is tough living so far apart and I am sure they wish they could see more of him.

  • Parenting and Journaling

    Holy fuckballs! Sometimes A lot of the time being a parent is freaking tough… When your kid’s teeth are coming in and they aren’t eating anything except frozen yoghurt and you feel like your letting them down. Then you have to take away their current favourite toy combine harvester because they kept chewing on the friggin’ chute that comes out of the side to sooth their teeth pain. They don’t understand why you have done this. They just feel like they can’t have their toy and big tears start streaming down their face as they mumble “combin’ ‘ster! combin’ ‘ster daddy!”. It fucking kills me.

  • The coolest Terminal setup on earth.

    I love terminals, command lines, TUI’s, whatever you want to call them. They have such simplicity and charm in their minimalist look and text only interface! What people can do with just text and a handful of colours is AMAZING!

  • Sooooo... This is exciting!

    I have a website now! A place I can write about whatever I want! There are so many things that I have been thinking of writing about that I don’t really know where to start… So the best thing to do is make a list I reckon!

  • Drippity, drippity, drip...

    This is my first blog post on my site! I didn’t think I would be able to write about anything, but just as I was creating my neocities account I heard a drip, drip, drip… sound coming from behind me.
