Sooooo... This is exciting!
I have a website now! A place I can write about whatever I want! There are so many things that I have been thinking of writing about that I don’t really know where to start… So the best thing to do is make a list I reckon!
Things I want to talk about:
- Terminal setups and why I think I have found the coolest setup of all!
- Vim: A noobs journey into complex efficiency…
- A clone of Spacechase for the Atari 2600 I created with PICO-8.
- ADHD: Things I have learnt, things I am learning, and how to live with it.
- Homemade pocket notebooks. A simple notebook you can make for yourself!
- Just my general thoughts and ideas that I would journal about, but now they will be available in Website form.
Hopefully I will get time to start writing about these things soon! I am really excited at the notion of finally having my own website, and it isn’t just a WordPress template that looks like crap compared to all the fancy sites you see online. Mine is my own and is being made with time and care.