Chain Link Fence project is kicking off!

Managed to start the chain link fence project today! The plan is to build a chain link fence behind the house so we can let the dogs out by themselves and not have to worry about them harassing the neighbors or chasing things into the fields next door and getting themselves lost. It should make things a lot easier with the new baby on the way.

We already had the fence supplies sitting in the garage, but today I went out and got a fence post driver, some rebar to check for the septic tank before hammering in a post, and a 2ft level to make sure it’s all going in as straight as possible. You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to find a fence post driver! Went to 2 different stores with images and SKU numbers, but ended up having to locate it myself under a bunch of other, more popular, tools. I guess they aren’t in demand… After using one for a few hours I can see why they are not popular! I got blisters on my blisters and feel like I could sleep for the next 3 days…

Anyways, pounding the posts in wasn’t that bad (to begin with) and having my Dad over to help made it soooo much easier! What a life saver to have a helping hand that also knows what they are doing!

All the terminal posts and gate posts are in, a couple of top bars are tentatively in place too. Just need to pound in the line poles at evenly spaced intervals and then stretch the chain link fabric between the posts. Not too difficult a project if the ground is soft and you have an extra pair of hands. Originally I was planning on digging holes below the frost line and setting the poles in concrete, but after talking with my father-in-law he mentioned the fence post driver and the fact that he had used that method on a chain link fence 20+ years ago and it was still standing… Well, that sounds like a great idea!

I was starting to think that this project wouldn’t get off the ground with all the things I have to keep on top of day-to-day, but now I have poles in the ground we are in business! Hoorah!
