We have no water...
What a thing to realize at 1:30am on a Saturday morning. We have no water… Flushed the loo and went to wash my hands. Upon turning the tap all I got was a hiss of air and some spluttering. Now my hands feel gross (it’s a mental thing as they are clean to look at, but I just peed y’know?) and I can’t brush my teeth before bed.
I head downstairs to the basement to see what’s going on. The pressure gauge is at 0psi and turning on the first tap after the well pump just dribbles out a tiny amount of water. So, with my Sherlock Holmes powers of deduction either the pump switch, the well pump, or this grey box on the wall is toast. With no more options available I decided to go to bed and take another hopeless look in the morning.
My partner was up before me and had messaged a plumber to see if they could come round on a Sunday and take a look/fix it. She is amazing! Texting the guy so early and organizing a plan so quickly! The plumber that she contacted has worked on our plumbing before, and I cannot say enough good things about him! Super friendly and more than happy to help. Totally transparent about everything he is doing while working on the plumbing, and is a musician to boot! I love musicians with a professional work ethic! I strove to be that myself for many many years!
The guys is able to come over in the afternoon once the stores are open and he can buy the parts that he thinks are the issue. I think he was at our place for 40 minutes, and the pump switch and grey wall box (the real culprit of the water problem) have been replaced and we are back to flushing toilets and washing dishes! What a hero! We are so pumped to have our water back on so fast! I was convinced that it would be days before we could get someone out to our place and get the parts needed. Or worse, we would end up having to pull the pump out of the ground to replace it!
I am incredibly grateful to my partner and our plumber friend! Between them they made a seemingly impossible thing happen, and incredibly smoothly and efficiently to boot! Our son was none the wiser about the water issues, and we didn’t have to reschedule the BBQ we were attending this evening either! Amazing! Not the most ideal situation to have to deal with, but overcome so effortlessly by these amazing people! Awesome!
On a different note, the BBQ was great fun! Got to eat an amazing no bake strawberry cheesecake that my Mum made. Had a delicious G&T with pink Gin, and got to spend some quality time with my son and the Grandparents out in the sunshine! What more could you ask for? 🤗
Now I am winding down after a stressful weekend by writing this post in the back yard. Taking full advantage of the new fenced in area so that Maple can be outside chilling with me and taking in those last few rays of sunshine. Every time I am outside in the evening it reminds me that I should have setup my sunset camera project by now! These beautiful evenings come all year round here, and the world needs to know about them!
The sun has almost gone behind the horizon now, and the last few orange rays are cutting through the pine tree branches. I’m going to head inside and grab another beer before the mosquito swarms come and carry me away. Until next time! Chow!