Big Update!
It’s been a little while since my last post! Things have switched into high gear in anticipation of the new baby! It could be any day now that we meet the little one, and we need to make sure that everything is ready and we have done all the things we need and/or want to.
I have been working on the Clone Jam game entry when I can. It has gone from being a Lua LOVE game, to a Python/Pygame version, and finally it has become a Defold engine game project! This is probably the best move, but the learning curve has been a bit difficult when I’ve had no time to set aside for learning alongside creating the project…
Kevin O’Brien’s books are awesome! I’ve been crushing through more of them lately! So great! Even when the reader is a little naff, or the production is a bit infuriating, the story holds up and keeps me listening at every opportunity! I might end up reading all of his books on Audible at this rate before I’m free of the curse!
In other non-Kevin O’brien news I got a book about managing your home with ADHD, which is a VERY helpful book so far! It is even written with Neuro-diverse people in mind. Each chapter is kept short and to the point, and also includes a summary that explains the whole chapter in plain english without any language or metaphors that might be unclear to people with ASD for example. It is very thoughtfully written and is packed with actually helpful ideas and tips that may or may not work for you, or can be adapted to your needs. So far I have tried out the 5 things cleaning method and it has made things so much easier to clean a room, table, or any space really! The steps are:
- Focus on garbage first - Go through the space with a garbage bag and put all the garbage in the bag. DO NOT pick up anything that isn’t garbage. Once your done DO NOT take the garbage out. Leave the bag somewhere in the room that is out of the way for now.
- Focus on Laundry second - Take a washing basket (or similar thing like a basket, etc…) and go through the space ONLY putting laundry in the basket. Once your done leave it beside the garbage bag for now.
- Dishes are the third category - Take all the dishes in the area and pile them up together. Leave them by the garbage bag and laundry basket for now.
- Things that have a home is the 4th pile - This is anything that you look at and think “That goes in the such and such place!”. Place all these items together. I found it useful to use another laundry basket (or any basket) to pile the things in so I can cart them around later to their homes easily.
- Things that don’t have a home - Anything left in the room that doesn’t have a place to live yet because you just bought it or it has never been given a home. These items are the big killer for my cleaning sprees! I find I’ll get hung up on these items, either trying to make a space for them somewhere or moving them around the room out of the way only to bump into them again and use up more of my precious enthusiasm for this boring activity! Take these things and pile them all together! Once everything else is done you’ll know what space you have to make homes for these things, or you can leave them piled in a basket and call it a day! No shame in that! You can use your dining room table now, but there’s a tidy basket of Amazon purchases in the corner? Who cares!? You DID IT!!! 🤗
I love this method! It makes so much sense and makes cleaning so simple! Little dopamine rushes after each quick category has been done! Mmmmmm…
Also, once you have finished each step you then take out the garbage, dump the dishes in the sink for another time, and dump the laundry in the laundry basket or washing machine to worry about another time! Nice work!
Job hunting
I’ve been a bit burnt out and bored at work lately, so I decided it’s time to find a job somewhere else and switch it up a bit! I’m not trying too hard yet, but I’ve put the feelers out to a few places. I’d like to continue with IT and Programming if possible. I’m really intrigued by Cyber Security as it’s basically a mix of my previous analyst style job and my current programming role. I’m not sure how to get into the field though… I think I need certifications and stuff so maybe it’s something I’ll need to work at in my own time eventually.
It would be nice to do something that helps other people, which is hard to do in tech as it’s all about advancing forward and creating software to make money… But I had the idea today about creating a business that assists people with ADHD. My idea was similar to private tuition where someone spends 30 mins to 1 hour with a client and helps them overcome something that they have been struggling with, for example they could help them write their resume, or search for jobs and apply, or help them break down tasks and then work with them to accomplish them. This is something that I know I have had in the past. Rarely can I write and finish a song by myself, but with someone else in the room I can knock out song after song with no issue! It’s the same with a lot of cleaning and things like that. I can do it just fine if I’m working alongside or for someone else. My business idea is to offer this as a service to people with ADHD and maybe other neuro-divergent people to help them make their lives easier.
I’ve heard of group working before, where you have multiple strangers on a zoom call for a couple of hours and your all working while you can see eachother, so it provides accountability for everyone. My idea is similar to that, but works in person too as well as zoom calls. It would also be more hands on. I know that people with ADHD generally have no issues trying to help others and work with other people! It is normally getting their own things done that is incredibly difficult to overcome. I’m not sure how this would pan out if I brought the idea to life… But I’ve been thinking of creating a simple website and putting the idea out there, at least for zoom calls for now. Might be a nice way to make some money on the side and help people too!
That’s all I have for tonight. Time to take it easy after another crazy weekend! Very productive, but holy crap was it busy!!! Goodnight for now! 👋