A quick update...

Just a quick update to remind myself that this website exists and I am overwhelmed with things that I want to write about on here. There has been just so much going on recently, and I haven’t had the time to write about it on here! Not a bad problem to have to be honest, but I really want to keep track of it all if I can! 😁

So, because it is veeeeery late in the day, I will jot down a quick list of things so that I might come back and expand on them in the future! Here’s whats been happening:

  • Just tried out Factorio for the first time with one of my best buds and it is awesome! I MUST play more! How I’ll do that with a newborn baby on top of all the other things going, I don’t have a clue! But I’ll try…
  • I have been working on the Infinite Snake game for the Clone Jam. So far I have a working prototype written in Lua LOVE, and now Python’s Pygame. The other night I thought of all the visual effects and other things that we might want to add to the game and decided that I should ignore my old self and try out the Defold game engine. This has built in particle effects, and lots of other stuff that should make the game a bit easier to manage once I have the basics worked out. So far it is working out well! I have half a prototype working and I am quietly confident that it is going to work out for the best! I need to get the prototype finished off though so I can let my friend begin on the artwork! Only 3 weeks remaining… Where did that week go?!
  • Just built my sons “Big Boy” bed, and he really loves it! It is a modified kids IKEA bunk bed. There’s a Tik Tok hack my wife found that converts it into a floor bed for toddlers by changing 1 piece. It worked out really well so far! I am very impressed with the bed and how much my little guy loves it!
  • The new baby will be here in 3ish weeks (or probably less at this rate!). We have most things ready to go, and the rest can be handled after the baby comes. Having done this once before, I feel waaaaay more ready than I did the first time around. You learn real quick when there’s a screaming baby in your face that you are responsible for!
  • I am getting back into “Into the Breach” on Switch lately. It was the game that kept me sane when my son was born and I was up all night to feed him and all that fun stuff… You can literally put the Switch to sleep and then wake it up right where you left off, so I could drop in and out of the game in an instant. Because it is single player and turn based I didn’t miss a thing when doing this. It is an incredible game! I remember getting all the achievements on it, unlocking every single mech team, and beating the game multiple times on the Unfair difficulty. I LOVE this game! It’s been long enough since I last played that the magic is still there. What a feeling when you push your teams abilities to the limit and take out all the Vek onscreen, or save all the buildings in a really clever way by thinking outside the box, or when you manage to use the order of the enemy attacks to kill enemies before it’s their turn and they could kill your mech or a building! Makes you feel like a freaking genius!
  • I have been binging Kevin O’Brien books like mad! So far I have listened to 4 books in about 4 weeks… Unspeakable, Vicious, Terrified, and They Won’t Be Hurt (currently reading this one). I’m loving the thriller books! I actually gasped today while listening to it! One of the things that the psycho guy does was real messed up and I worked it out in real time along with the characters. It was awesome! I have been really into the books. I’ve been finding excuses to drive around or use my headphones more so I can keep listening! Super amazing books!!! Makes me want to go visit Seattle and that side of the country too. It sounds like a beautiful place, even with the killing and stuff from the books 😅

Well, that’s all I can think of at the moment. I know there’s more stuff, but it is seriously late and I need some sleep… Speak soon amigo! Hopefully I’ll have more time to go into more detail on a single thing. I really want to keep up with the dev log, sort the blog posts up into categories, update the images on the art fridge page, and write more about ways I have been tackling ADHD lately (I feel like I really have a handle on some things at the moment! Go me! 😊).

Chat to you later!
