The coolest Terminal setup on earth.

I love terminals, command lines, TUI’s, whatever you want to call them. They have such simplicity and charm in their minimalist look and text only interface! What people can do with just text and a handful of colours is AMAZING!

There are a lot of ways to personalize your terminal window and make it your own. You can swap out your prompt for some sweet coloured ones like powerline, or you could add some banner text to shell scripts using figlet. Some people show their specs with neofetch. It’s a world of absolute freedom and overwhelming customization!

The coolest setup though is one that I have stumbled across… What do a lot of programmers do to get them in the zone? That’s right! They listen to music. So why not use the music to enhance the visuals of the terminal too?

Here’s the setup:

  • Open up your terminal window and set the background so that it is a little bit transparent with enough “blur” or “acrylic texture” applied so you can still read the text.
  • Open up an Audio Visualizer and place the window behind your terminal window so you can see the visualization graphics behind the text.
  • Play some music to get that visualization moving around and changing colours.

Cool right?! Your welcome…

This over-the-top visual setup has brought me much joy, and really takes the sting out of all those error messages…
