Drippity, drippity, drip...
This is my first blog post on my site! I didn’t think I would be able to write about anything, but just as I was creating my neocities account I heard a drip, drip, drip… sound coming from behind me.
Turns out that the basement ceiling is leaking. We had some serious thunder and lightning today followed by torrential rain. It took a couple of hours, but it found it’s way through a gap in the walls underground and is dripping from the ceiling tile above the doorway to my room. I just spent half an hour pulling out ceiling tiles and insulation to try and find the source. Nothing obvious though… Not sure if that is good or bad!
Oh well, I will put it all back together when it dries out and then keep an eye out in future when it rains heavy. Since buying a home water has become the bane of my existence. It is getting to the point that I am looking forward to winter because all the water *#^&(* freezes! 😈
Anyways, enough complaining! It’s clean now and I still have time to create a webpage to vent about it before bed. A bit of a result really! Maybe my next blog entry will be more exciting/positive/about programming and/or software? We will see!…