So many projects!
While I have been on vacation I managed to get a bunch of things done around the house in preparation for the new baby. Somehow, I have also come up with a long list of personal projects too… The list so far is:
Battleships Online Multiplayer Game
Like, but for Battleships. This way I can play turn based battleships over the course of days with people online. It is essentially a proof of concept project until I can create a game like Into The Breach, but with asynchronous multiplayer.
Humidity and Temperature alert system
My brother got me a Raspberry Pi Pico kit for my birthday and it contains a humidity and temperature sensor. I am hoping to setup a Pi 3B or Pico W to read the humidity and temperature of my room so I can get alerts when the humidity is too low or high for my guitars. It fluctuates a toooooon here between summer and winter. So far it is working. I am hoping to save power and use an e-paper display for the live data in the room, but so far the display is causing some issues when rendering images… Maybe text is enough to get the project rolling out.
Clone Jam
Me and a close friend of mine have decided to enter a game jam on, the Clone Jam. The idea is to create a clone of an existing game and then put a spin on it or improve upon it. We had this idea a couple of months back to create a clone of Snake and add a twist to it for a mobile game app, but life got in the way and we haven’t done too much to it recently. Now we have entered the jam there is a deadline for us to hit! Hopefully this will give us a little nudge to get the game done. I am looking forward to this one! 😁
Sunset Camera Project
With the Pico kit I have, there are a number of sensors and things I can use to start working on the sunset camera! I have also come up with a solution on how to make the camera survive outside. It will need an outdoor security camera chassis for the camera and pi, then a separate weatherproof electrical box to house the guts that convert the solar panel output into power that the pi can use. This should mean that the camera is setup for best performance with it’s dedicated camera chassis, and the electronics are safe from the elements! I want to avoid needing to clean off the camera every day it rains or snows, and I’d also like to avoid frying the whole system…
I’m sure there are more things on my mind, but I don’t think I’ll get much time for them once I am back to work on Tuesday. The humidity alert system is almost ready if I choose to sacrifice my pretty pictures on the e-paper display. The game jam entry has a working prototype from a couple months back, I also have a working version of Battleships for the command line that I created last year. (I may have lost the files when reinstalling my OS though…). Some of these might be do-able with the time I have, but I may need to backburner some too 😅
We will see how it goes!
I would love to write more and fill you in on all the happenings lately, but I am knackered and it’s too late in the day to remember all that stuff. I need to knock out a morning blog post when I’m fresh! I will say that I have been crushing through another couple of killer thriller books by Kevin O’Brien! Terrified and Vicious. Terrified was AWESOME! I only started Vicious last night, but it is looking like another banger of a book already! I have also been messing with Pix-Brix that my wife bought me for my birthday! So far, my 3D creations haven’t been great… But creating 2D pixel art with them has been very therapeutic! Anyways, until next time! Chow 👋