Site Makeover!

The other night I was laying in bed and all of a sudden an idea hit me! I switched on the lamp, grabbed my notebook and started frantically scratching out my idea on paper. I knew how I wanted to style this site!

The original layout was great, and practical. BUT where’s the fun in that? This new design is waaaaay cooler. The stripes are trippy as hell, the rotated header and vertical navigation is slick, and the colours are popping like crazy! The site is not totally 90’s, geocities madness… But it isn’t exactly modern either. It is my weird little baby! 🤗

Here’s a snap of the original site layout for reference.

Original Site Layout. Boring, but practical.

That’s all I have time for today! It took me most evenings this week to remember how to use CSS and then wrangle all the bits into place. I’m off to bed if I can pry myself away from looking at my shiny new website. 🤩

Bye bye!
